Newark Streets

Old Newark

464 High Street
William Rankin Residence (1830)
From "Old South High Street":
Among the first houses built on High Street (MLKJr Blvd) were those of the Longworth family, at Spruce & High Streets and that of the Rankin family at "Hill Park". The Rankin home was purchased and occupied by Edward Rankin in 1833. It stood back of the old Court House and the property ran from High Street on the east to Boston Street on the west. The stately old mansion stood back 500 feet from High Street and was approached by a driveway, shaded by horse chestnut trees. The balance of this estate, some hundreds of acres, was cared for and cultivated like an English gentleman's estate, and in the charge of a Scotchman named Lee.

464 High Street

William Rankin Residence (1830)
From "Old South High Street":
Among the first houses built on High Street (MLKJr Blvd) were those of the Longworth family, at Spruce & High Streets and that of the Rankin family at "Hill Park". The Rankin home was purchased and occupied by Edward Rankin in 1833. It stood back of the old Court House and the property ran from High Street on the east to Boston Street on the west. The stately old mansion stood back 500 feet from High Street and was approached by a driveway, shaded by horse chestnut trees. The balance of this estate, some hundreds of acres, was cared for and cultivated like an English gentleman's estate, and in the charge of a Scotchman named Lee.

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