Newark Streets

Old Newark

50 Milford Avenue
Compare this photo with the other 50 Milford Avenue photo:

The people (my cousins and aunt) are in front of #50 Milford. It is an apartment building. To its right is another building. Next look at the 1984 photo. That building is the only one that remained then (1984) and it is still standing (I think). Note the latticework in the sidewalk best seen in the 1943 photo.

Photo from Paul J. Kiell

50 Milford Avenue

Compare this photo with the other 50 Milford Avenue photo:

The people (my cousins and aunt) are in front of #50 Milford. It is an apartment building. To its right is another building. Next look at the 1984 photo. That building is the only one that remained then (1984) and it is still standing (I think). Note the latticework in the sidewalk best seen in the 1943 photo.

Photo from Paul J. Kiell

0050milfordavenue1984.jpg 0338marketstreet.gif 0162broadstreet.gif 0106centralavenue02.jpg 0160penningtonstreet.gif