Newark Streets

Old Newark

Most viewed - Weequahic Avenue
Weequahic Avenue1136 viewsWeequahic Ave looking towards Weequahic Park
The Red Brick Building in the rear is the Young Israel Synagouge which is on the corner of Maple Ave and Weequahic Ave. The house with the porch and sign is the home and office of Dr, Denholtz DDS.
Photo from David Gornitzky
209 Weequahic Avenue1116 viewsWeequahic Ave From in front of 209 Weequahic Ave. If you went right and to the next street ( Clinton Place ) There was a block of small stores on which one was "Hatoff's Candy Store" where we all used to hang out.
Photo from David Gornitzky
Weequahic Avenue1018 viewsWeequahic Ave looking towards Clinton Place from Maple Ave.
Photo from David Gornitzky
Weequahic Avenue189 views1914
18 Weequahic Avenue186 views
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