Most viewed - 708 - 732/Park Place - Commerce Street
Broad Street at Centre Market189 viewsPhoto from NPL
Centre Market over the Morris Canal178 viewsFrom "Newark and its Leading Business Men" 1891
Broad Street, Park Place & Raymond Blvd.137 viewsThis is the corner of Park Place, Broad Street & Raymond Blvd (North & South Canal Street). The strip of land between the two Canal Streets is where the Morris Canal ran.
Broad Street at the Morris Canal133 viewsPhoto from the NPL
Broad Street, Park Place & Raymond Blvd.130 views~1915
Broad Street, Park Place & Raymond Blvd.128 viewsPhoto from NNJM
732 Broad Street120 viewsPhoto from Gonzalo Alberto
Center Market over the Morris Canal119 views1870s
720 Broad Street117 views~1905
From "Views of Newark" Published by L. H. Nelson Company ~1905
Broad Street & South Canal Street117 viewsPostcard
Broad Street at Park Place73 viewsPhoto from Brill Magazine
Broad & Commerce Streets5 viewsPhoto from Alberto Valdes