
75 Bergen Street402 views1914
Newark City Hospital Ambulance Garage

525 Clinton Avenue401 viewsFrom the William F. Cone Collection

302 Mulberry Street401 views~1926
From the William F. Cone Collection

441 Springfield Avenue400 viewsPostcard

22 Bathgate Place399 views


Clinton & Seymour Avenues398 views

High Street & Clinton Avenue398 viewsPhoto from "Newark & It's Leading Businessmen 1891"

Map 1874397 views

10 Cross Street397 viewsMorris Mfg. Company Undertakers Supplies
From "Newark - The City of Industry" Published 1912

High Street397 viewsPhoto from "Newark & It's Leading Businessmen 1891"


Map 1874395 views

Sewer under Mulberry Street near Lafayette Street built ~1870395 views

1926395 viewsPhoto from "Sightseeing in Newark, N. J. by John H. Dunnachie: 1926"

Highland Street394 views

1919 Blizzard 394 viewsPhoto from the Newark Sunday Call March 28, 1919

54 Morris & Essex Railroad Avenue393 viewsWilliam Hawkins Mechanical Engineer - 1887

High & Orange Streets393 views

1920's393 viewsPhoto from NNJM

696 High Street392 views

78 Prince Street392 viewsLooking north to Springfield Avenue
Photo from the Berg Collection

Interstate 95391 views

2 Ferry Street390 views1909

High & Spruce Streets390 viewsFrom "Old South High Street" 1929
In winter this street was a carnival place. There was little traffic on the cross streets and the pavement was smooth. A little ice and snow made good sleigh-riding, and the owners of fine horses came here to race them with other owners, and they did so from Mercer Street on the north to beyond Spruce Street, and walked the horses slowly back on the east side. The sidewalks were lined with people as on a circus parade day.
This is a drawing of the corner of High & Spruce Streets with the Albright Mansion in the background.

1920 (approximately)390 viewsPhoto from NNJM

Ridge Street & Bloomfield Avenue390 viewsPhoto from Irvin Volk

203 Springfield Avenue389 viewsPhoto from "Newark 1909 - 1910"

Mulberry Street corner Walnut Street389 viewsEmanuel Methodist Church (German)
From "Essex County, NJ, Illustrated 1897":

Garside Street389 viewsFrom "Shade Tree Commission of the City of Newark, New Jersey" 1914

Springfield & Market Streets to 25 Springfield Avenue389 viewsFrom "Newark, the City of Industry" Published by the Newark Board of Trade 1912

Unknown location on Mulberry Street389 viewsPhoto from NPL

High Street & Central Avenue389 views

58 Gould Avenue388 viewsImperial Laundry Company
From "Newark - The City of Industry" Published 1912

546 Orange Street388 viewsSt. Rose of Lima RC Church
Photo from Jule Spohn

472 Orange Street388 viewsPhoto from "Newark 1909 - 1910"

Springfield Avenue & Bergen Street388 viewsPostcard


Bloomfield Avenue, High Street & Park Avenue387 viewsImage from Gonzalo Alberto

386 Springfield Avenue387 views1891

Springfield Avenue & South Orange Avenue387 viewsPostcard

1949387 viewsPhoto from the Newark Municipal Yearbook 1949

Runaway Bronco in Prince Street Cause of Neighborhood Furore387 views1915

30 Ferry Street Looking West387 viewsPhoto from the Samuel Berg Collection


265 Belmont Avenue386 viewsFrom: "Newark Illustrated 1909-1910" Published by Frank A. Libby 1909

152 Clinton Avenue385 viewsSouth End Club
Photo by Jule Spohn

South Orange Avenue at South Twelfth Street385 viewsPhoto from Gonzalo Alberto

Central Avenue & South 8th Street385 viewsPhoto from NNJM

1874 Map384 views


23 State Street384 views

68 Orange Street384 viewsCameo Theatre
Photo from Jule Spohn

59 Springfield Avenue384 views1920s

2-8 Ferry Street384 viewsPhoto from the George Conrad Collection

Prince Street384 viewsPhoto from Alberto Valdes

101 Springfield Avenue384 views

425 South Orange Avenue383 viewsEssex County Hospital for the Insane
From: Essex County, NJ, Illustrated 1897

16 Park Place382 viewsNewark Athletic Club

637 Central Avenue382 viewsPhoto from Jule Spohn

33 Seventh Avenue382 viewsGiordano Bakery

422 Orange Street382 views

1041 South Orange Avenue382 views

11 Clinton Street381 views

322-328 Belmont Avenue381 views

South Orange & Springfield Avenues381 viewsFebruary 28, 1909

70 NInth Avenue379 views

Bloomfield Avenue & Broadway379 viewsImage from "Streetcars of New Jersey: Metropolitan Northeast"

305-307 Springfield Avenue379 viewsFrom the AP Photo/John Duricka

44 Park Place378 views

45 Hayes Street378 viewsRobert Miller's Saloon

1855 - Broad & Market Streets378 viewsPhoto from “Ballou’s Pictorial” April 14, 1855
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