
Northwest Corner1171 views1905

235 High Street1167 viewsMorton Brewery - Late 1800s
From "Historic Newark" Published 1916 for the Fidelity Trust Company

Pre 19001161 views

601 High Street1153 viewsKrueger Mansion - 1901
From: "Newark, the Metropolis of New Jersey" Published by the Progress Publishing Co. 1901

Northeast Corner1152 views

Springfield Avenue1151 views

Springfield Avenue1150 viewsThe above picture shows a house in Newark on Springfield Ave in ca. 1885. The left person in the window upstairs is my grand-grandmother. Her name was Barbara Johanna Schieder. She was born in Germany, lived in Newark and came back to Germany where she was later married, her name was then Lenk.
I am interested if anyone knews this picture or has any informations about the house and the owners. I think there was a relationship to the owner of the house.
From Bavaria, Germany
Herbert Ott

337 Avon Avenue1149 viewsSt. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church

20 Prince Street1145 viewsJohn Merkel & Son - Coal & Wood
From "Newark - New Jersey's Greatest Manufacturing Centre, Illustrated" Published 1894 by The Consolidated Illustrating Co.

550 High Street1144 viewsArts High School

601 High Street1135 viewsKrueger Mansion

126 Fleming Avenue1132 viewsView from 126 Fleming Avenue
Photo from The Mannion Family

Weequahic Avenue1132 viewsWeequahic Ave looking towards Weequahic Park
The Red Brick Building in the rear is the Young Israel Synagouge which is on the corner of Maple Ave and Weequahic Ave. The house with the porch and sign is the home and office of Dr, Denholtz DDS.
Photo from David Gornitzky


1905 (approximately)1126 views

126 Fleming Avenue1115 viewsView of 126 Flemming Avenue
Photo from The Mannion Family

19661115 viewsFrom City Alive! Newark 1666 - 1966
The Housing Authority of the City of Newark

450 Springfield Avenue1111 viewsHaase - Druggist
From "Newark - New Jersey's Greatest Manufacturing Centre, Illustrated" Published 1894 by The Consolidated Illustrating Co.

209 Weequahic Avenue1110 viewsWeequahic Ave From in front of 209 Weequahic Ave. If you went right and to the next street ( Clinton Place ) There was a block of small stores on which one was "Hatoff's Candy Store" where we all used to hang out.
Photo from David Gornitzky

241 High Street1100 viewsEngine Co. #4 & Ladder Co. #2

1910 (approximately)1095 views

357 High Street1094 viewsCentral High School

654 Summer Avenue1092 viewsOur Lady of Good Counsel Roman Catholic Church

698 High Street1091 viewsCoe Mansion

377 ½ Springfield Avenue1090 viewsRickershauser's Ice Cream/Confectionery Store

25 Belmont Avenue1088 viewsKrueger Auditorium

Clinton Avenue and Broad Street1087 viewsFrom "Views of Newark" Published by L. H. Nelson Company ~1905


Postcard1079 viewsPostcard from Rich Olohan

32 Prince Street1076 viewsCongregation Oheb-Shalom Third Jewish Synagogue

750 High Street1069 viewsHome for Incurables and Convalescents

28 Prince Street1069 viewsPhoto from Tom Swartz

18911067 viewsFrom "Newark - Handsomely Illustrated" Published 1894 by The Consolidated Illustrating Co.

620 Orange Street1066 viewsEaton's Carriage and Harness Repository
From "Newark - New Jersey's Greatest Manufacturing Centre, Illustrated" Published 1894 by The Consolidated Illustrating Co.

534 Clinton Avenue1065 viewsJewish Children's Home
From: "Newark, the City of Industry" Published by the Newark Board of Trade 1912

227 High Street1059 viewsThe Mansfield Company - Pepsin Gums
From "Newark - The City of Industry" Published 1912

85 Springfield Avenue corner South Orange Avenue1053 viewsPostcard

1052 views1946

263 Summer Avenue1049 viewsSummer Avenue School


379 Springfield Avenue1046 viewsCapitol Lighting - 1945
Library of Congress, Prints and Photograph Division, Washington, D.C. 20540 USA

73 Springfield Avenue1046 viewsPhoto from Rich Olohan

Seventh Avenue1045 views1946

Summer Avenue and Park Avenue1045 views

160 Clinton Avenue1042 views

Springfield Avenue and S. Nineteenth Street1041 viewsNew Jersey Aluminum Company - 1901
From: "Newark, the Metropolis of New Jersey" Published by the Progress Publishing Co. 1901

Hawthorne Avenue & Clinton Place1040 views

392 Springfield Avenue1039 views~1908
Louis Rothstein, Department Store

601 High Street1035 viewsKrueger Mansion

Brill Street Newark City Directory 19401033 viewsClick again for the full size version.

Wilson Avenue1028 views

Corner Hedden Place1028 viewsPhoto from NPL Berg Collection

279 Chancellor Avenue1026 viewsWeequahic High School

651 High Street1026 viewsBeth Israel Hospital ~1910


449 Central Avenue1023 views1967
Photo from Rob Adorna

323 High Street1021 viewsNewark Orphan Asylum

304 High Street1015 viewsSt. Michael's Hospital

Weequahic Avenue1014 viewsWeequahic Ave looking towards Clinton Place from Maple Ave.
Photo from David Gornitzky

362 Springfield Avenue1010 views~1908
Emil Reichle

761 Clinton Avenue1010 viewsClinton Avenue Presbyterian Church

157 Springfield Avenue1008 views

299 Belmont Avenue1007 viewsFrom: "Newark Illustrated 1909-1910" Published by Frank A. Libby 1909

59 Springfield Avenue1007 views

391 High Street1005 viewsT. H. Deyo Grocer - 1901


652 High Street1000 viewsYMHA

203 Springfield Avenue998 views~1908
Edward Prokocimer
Banker & Steamship Ticket Broker

73 Springfield Avenue997 views~1908
August Bevensee Painting

621 Clinton Avenue993 viewsCongregation B'Nai Abraham/Second Jewish Synagogue

115 Belmont Avenue992 views

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