
721 Broad Street Looking North128 views

200 Elmwood Avenue128 viewsGarage

834 Broad Street Looking North128 viewsPostcard

From Canal Street128 viewsFrom: "Newark Illustrated 1909-1910" Published by Frank A. Libby 1909

Possible Bremen Street from 69½ Up128 views

128 viewsPhoto from "ReNew Newark, a Continuing Ten Year Program 1961"

Possibly around 40 Park Place128 views

141 Heller Parkway128 viewsPhoto from "About Forest Hill"

Abington Avenue West & Fourth Street128 viewsPhoto from Bobby Cole

328 South Sixth Street128 viewsPhoto from New Jersey State Archives

Hoyt Street & Summit Place128 views

Broad & West Park Street128 viewsPhoto from NPL

Hunterdon Street & Fourteenth Avenue128 views1967
Copyright photo from the Samuel Berg Collection at the Newark Public Library. To view the collection please visit their
web site.

Hunterdon Street & Springfield Avenue128 viewsCopyright photo from the Samuel Berg Collection at the Newark Public Library. To view the collection please visit their
web site.

1010 Broad Street128 viewsFrom "Progressive Architecture Volume 11, 1920"



Between Academy & Bank Street127 views1850

127 viewsFrom: "Newark Illustrated 1909-1910" Published by Frank A. Libby 1909

805 Broad Street Looking North127 views1920

Broad Street at Market Street Looking North127 views~1880
From "Quarter-Century's Progress of New Jersey's Leading Manufacturing Center"

10 Stratford Place127 views1909

776 Broad Street127 views1907

435 Broad Street Looking North127 views1915
Photos from "Comprehensive Plan of Newark 1915"

Lawrence Street & Market Street127 viewsPhoto from Alberto Valdes

85 Market Street127 views

126 South Street127 viewsPhoto from Newark NJ and Its' Attractions 1911

Verona & Degraw Avenuew127 viewsPhoto from "About Forest Hill"

289-293 Hunterdon Street127 viewsFebruary 22, 1903

102 Roseville Avenue127 viewsPartial from a Postcard

143 Roseville Avenue127 views1921

788 Broad Street126 viewsKinney Building
Photo from Jule Spohn

875 Broad Street126 viewsThis is a photo of my great grandfather E G Koenig, and his son, Albert S. Koenig. The E G Koenig Sporting Goods store was founded 1872 and lasted until 1925. The corner was the site of the parsonage for the Old First Church and was the birth site of Aaron Burr, third president of the United States. A book about the history of this store and its owners is to be released in the coming months. Watch for it! The building still stands and is one that deserves preservation by the City of Newark.
Photo from Spor


740 Broad Street126 viewsReynold's Banking House 1871
Newark City Directory

789 Broad Street126 views1920s

739 Broad Street to 759 Broad Street126 views1865

711/721 Broad Street126 viewsConstruction of Kresge's in 1926
Image from "Sightseeing in Newark"

745-749 Broad Street126 views1874
Robert N. Dennis Collection of Stereoscopic Views

31 Goldsmith Avenue126 views1915

West Bigelow & Bergen Streets126 views1909

From the Top of the Firemen's Building126 viewsMay 22, 1910

92 Broad Street126 views1907

126 viewsPhoto from the National Newark & Essex Banking Company 1804 - 1954

Broad Street Looking North from Mechanic Street126 views

764 Broad Street126 views1897
Photos from "Essex County Illustrated 1897"

158 Paris Street126 viewsPhoto from Joe Silva

94 Baldwin Avenue126 views

81 Aldine Street126 viewsPhoto from Bill Selis

A Market Street Block as It was in 1865 and is Now126 viewsApril 26, 1903

35 Berkeley Avenue126 viewsPhoto from Architecture and Building

608 Broad Street125 viewsTrinity Episcopal Church
Photo from Jule Spohn

325 Broad Street (larger format)125 viewsFrom: "Newark Illustrated 1909-1910" Published by Frank A. Libby 1909



701 Broad Street125 viewsGoerke's

715 Broad Street Looking North125 viewsFrom: "Newark Illustrated 1909-1910" Published by Frank A. Libby 1909

Broad Street at Bank Street looking North125 views1918
Photo from the National Archives

836 Broad Street125 viewsNew Jersey Central Broad Street Station
From the Newark Evening Star May 1910

296 Washington Street125 views1907

763 Broad Street125 viewsMerchants & Newark Trust Company inside the Prudential Building

805 Broad Street Looking North125 viewsPhoto form Chris Hunter

1840 - Market Street Looking West From Broad Street125 viewsPhoto from Essex County Illustrated 1897

133 Heller Parkway125 viewsPhoto from "About Forest Hill"

Fourth Street & Abington Avenue West125 viewsPhoto from Bobby Cole

Looking South from Central Avenue125 viewsMay 31, 1903

Front & Fulton Streets125 viewsPhoto from "Comprehensive Plan of Newark 1915"

292 South Sixth Street125 viewsPhoto from Richard Caggiano Jr

71, 65 & 61 Keer Avenue (background)125 viewsPhoto from the Newark Public Library

397-403 Fairmount Avenue125 viewsPostcard from Kathryn Peters

Littleton Avenue125 viewsPhoto from Alberto Valdes

612 Highland Avenue125 viewsPhoto from Scientific American Building Monthly
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