Most viewed - Newark Streets

Goble Street363 views

1874 Map362 views

620 Central Avenue362 viewsFairmount Cemetery
Photo from Glenn G Geisheimer

Raymond Blvd & Halsey Street362 views

Mulberry & Thomas Streets361 viewsPhoto from NNJM

237 Halsey Street360 viewsPhoto from "Newark 1909 - 1910"

232 Mulberry Street360 viewsHebrew Orphan Asylum
From "Essex County, NJ, Illustrated 1897":

Belmont Avenue & Avon Avenue360 views

Springfield Avenue360 views1915
Photos from "Comprehensive Plan of Newark 1915"

Mulberry & Green Streets Looking North360 viewsPhoto from NNJM

Central Avenue, West Market Street & North 5th Street360 viewsPhoto from NNJM

9 Goble Street359 views

Kitchell Place359 views

Sylvan Avenue359 viewsBird House

352 Fifteenth Avenue359 viewsThe Krahling Family outside 342 15th Avenue
Photo from Paul Husosky

1926359 viewsA still from "Sightseeing in Newark 1926 Part 1 "

Map 1874358 views

215 Clinton Avenue358 viewsGreater Mount Moriah Baptist Church
Photo by Jule Spohn

358 viewsFrom: ReNew Newark 1961

Orange Street & Roseville Avenue358 viewsPostcard

Mulberry Street (Edison Place to Elm Street)358 viewsImage from "Municipal Yearbook 1947"

13 Belmont Avenue358 views1909

Springfield & South Orange Avenues358 viewsFebruary 28, 1909

1950s358 views

743 High Street358 viewsCopyright photo from the Samuel Berg Collection at the Newark Public Library. To view the collection please visit their
web site.

Ferry Street & Wilson Avenue357 viewsPhoto from Loida Pearson

Bloomfield Avenue & Ridge Street357 viewsPhoto from Irvin Volk

Goble Street356 views

8 Park Place356 views

14 Randolph PLace356 views

27 Clinton Street356 views

128 Mulberry Street356 viewsView of the Gateway Complex
Photo from Jule Spohn

108 Hamburg Place356 viewsPhoto from "Newark 1909 - 1910"

533 Orange Street356 viewsPhoto from Andre Garcia

236 Springfield Avenue Looking East356 viewsThe photo is taken from the intersection of Belmont and Springfield Avenues, the street to the left of the photo is Jones Street.

60 Park Place355 views

54 Park Place355 views

Corner Summer and Seventh Avenues355 views1897 - Second Precinct Police Station
From "Essex County, NJ, Illustrated 1897":

355 viewsPhoto from the Library of Congress.

84 Park Place near Canal Street (Raymond Blvd)354 viewsPark House

38 Park Place354 viewsNJPAC

55 Wallace Street354 viewsEngine Co. #7

354 viewsImage from "The Cost of Slums in Newark"

525 Orange Street354 viewsFrom: "Newark Illustrated 1909-1910" Published by Frank A. Libby 1909

19 Ward Street354 viewsNewark Watch Case Material Co.
From "Essex County, NJ, Illustrated 1897":

354 viewsPhoto from the Library of Congress.

Mulberry Street & Clinton Street354 views

353 viewsPostcard

108 Adams Street353 viewsJohn Toler, Sons & Co.
From "Essex County, NJ, Illustrated 1897":

Halsey Street & Central Avenue353 viewsHalsey Street is the side street
mid 1930s

227 High Street353 viewsCopyright photo from the Samuel Berg Collection at the Newark Public Library. To view the collection please visit their
web site.

Map 1874352 views

Springfield Avenue & Market Street352 viewsFrom: "Newark Illustrated 1909-1910" Published by Frank A. Libby 1909

Garside Street352 views1962/63
Photo from Carol T.

Goble Street351 views

120 Tichenor Street351 views

132 Central Avenue351 viewsHistoric American Buildings Survey/Historic American Engineering Record
Library of Congress Web Site

384-390 Broad Street351 viewsFrom the William F. Cone Collection

86-88 Plane Street351 viewsLibrary of Congress

350 viewsImage from "The Cost of Slums in Newark"

184 Eighth Avenue350 views

Bloomfield Avenue & Roseville Avenue350 views

457 Springfield Avenue350 views1908

557 High Street350 views1940's
Photo from NJ Digital Highway

Northeast from the top of the Central Railroads New Freight Building350 viewsDecember 2, 1906

40 Park Place349 views


350 Plane Street349 viewsFrom: Newark Illustrated 1891

503 Orange Street349 views1932

166 Prince Street349 viewsFriedlander Barber Shop
Photo from the Sunday Call

Park Place348 viewsBoudinot Mansion

Park Place348 viewsDecator Home
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